06742 3222 info@cpschool.uk
Al-Humaidiya-2, Ajman


Primary Key Stage 1 Curriculum

Key Stage 1 relates to children aged 5-7 years. Key Stage 2 relates to children aged 7-11 years. In the first term of Year 1 (KG2) our curriculum is based on a mixture of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National curriculum as children transition from Reception (KG1) to Year 1 (KG2). Areas of study include phonics, English, Maths and Science as core subjects. In addition children have lessons in Arabic, Islamic, Social Studies, Moral Education, ICT, PE, Music and Art. Your child’s education is of utmost importance to us and we have planned our curriculum to ensure that each year our students build on the skills learnt from the year before. Our teachers are highly qualified and we have a good balance of EYFS, primary and specialist teachers.

Our mission at CPS is to pursue academic excellence through an inquiry –based approach which encourages curiosity and creativity within a caring and inspirational learning environment. The British curriculum emphasizes the education of the whole child and our teaching style focuses on developing the students’ ability to think critically and ask questions. In the lower primary years the children learn through engaging in practical hands on activities that cater for the differing learning styles of our learners. The British teaching style ensures that students actively participate and engage in lessons, and develop personally as well as academically. Success is celebrated, and students emerge as confident, curious and enthusiastic learners.

Class sizes are small and taught by expert staff, with many classes also enjoying the help of teaching assistants which enables personalized learning. Our students are warmly welcomed and settle in quickly, and the teachers ensure that all our students feel safe and happy. A well-resourced library helps children develop a love of reading and children regularly take part in small group guided reading lessons to develop reading comprehension skills. The British teaching style ensures that students actively participate and engage in lessons, and develop personally as well as academically. Success is celebrated, and students emerge as confident, curious and enthusiastic learners

Primary School Teaching Team

The primary school teachers at Crown Private School are well trained and enthusiastic teachers with experience of delivering the British curriculum. Crown staff are almost all British-trained and mother-tongue teachers. Our excellent teachers are committed to delivering high quality lessons and inspiring our students to develop a love of learning.

Primary Key Stage 2 Curriculum

Key Stage Two consists of 4 year groups: Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 which is split into Lower and Upper Key Stage Two. It is often in Key Stage Two where children really start to develop their independence and discover their unique interests.

As our students progress into Key Stage Two our teachers continue to embed a love of reading. Students build on their prior learning to deepen their skills of decoding, comprehension and inference through whole class reading and guided reading sessions.

In Key Stage Two, students continue to study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Arabic, Islamic, Social Studies and ICT as well as Moral Education, Music, Art, Physical Education and Robotics.



Secondary School Curriculum:

 Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9 (CPS Grades 6-8)

In Key Stage 3 students will continue to study across a broad curriculum comprising the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Arabic A or B, Islamic A or B for Muslim students only, Social Studies, Moral Education, Computing, Music, Physical Education and Robotics.

Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11 (CPS Grades 9-10)

In Key stage 4, students will study for GCSEs in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Arabic, Business Studies and Physical Education.

Key Stage 5: Years 12 and 13 (CPS Grades 11-12)

In Key Stage 5, students will study for the A level examinations and other vocational examinations in preparation for entry to universities and other further educational institutions

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