06742 3222 info@cpschool.uk
Al-Humaidiya-2, Ajman

Care And Support

Crown Private School operates an open enrolment policy, and is an inclusive school which believes in encouraging every students talents, not just a few.

The school dedicated teams of leaders and teachers who take overall responsibility for pupils with any kind of disability or learning difficulty.  Individual pupils’ needs are assessed, and provision are made to enable them to take a full and active part in the curriculum.  

The school has close links with parents and outside agencies, to encourage educational development of students.  We ensure students are supported by highly motivated teachers to bridge learning gaps across all core subjects as well as Arabic.

Special arrangements for SEN pupils are made during examinations, including extra time, use of a computer or reader and scribes.

The school has lifts which allows access to all floors of the building, which means we can cater for wheelchair users.

Our SEND and Behaviour departments provide support and guidance to enhance confidence and academic success.  We have trained psychologist and school a social worker who can advise parents and can arrange for diagnostic testing.  Day-to-day support and information sharing about exam/board concessions. 

The events calendar provides student’s ample opportunity to showcase varying talents and a chance to shine and succeed to their best abilities.

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